Sunday, 28 August 2011


I wrote this short story during my end of year English exam. I just happened to remember it so wrote it down. The title was Waiting and here's what I came up with :

The rain falls onto the leaves, runs off them and drips into the water.

The sun comes out, dries up the raindrops then sends them back to the clouds.

I should go.

I sit in my car, it is moist from where hot meets cold. I watch out over the path. I have this image of you driving down in your car; you'd get out, smile, laugh with me. But I'd be angry say you'd kept me waiting, you'd just smile and kiss me. Then everything would be fine, it will never be fine.

I look at the clock, it's three o'clock. I have to take Alice to gymnastics, just ten more minutes. I watch the minutes tick by, how many more will I have to wait?

I heard a story once of a woman who spent her whole life waiting for her English Prince. He had met her once and said he would come back for her, he told her he loved her. So she sat in her waiting place, with a suitcase full of her favorite belongings, she wore her finest silks and best jewels. She waited for her lover so long that she could no longer remove her shoes. She waited for him all her life, until in the end I guess she finally died.

I'm just like her really, waiting for you. Are you going to make me wait all my life?

I look at the clock, it's ten past three. I have to go. I sigh, a ribbon of steam dances in the air before dying. I start the car and then stop it. I can't leave, what if I go and you come and you think I've forgotten you? I never will.

The rain falls onto the leaves, runs off them and drips into the water.

The sun comes out, dries up the raindrops then sends them back to the clouds.

It's time I go.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

The Dream

I wrote this a while ago and found it the other day. It's quit an intresting piece that doesn't make all that much sense but it sort of makes you think.

The Dream

I keep having this dream.

I am on a hill, it's perfectly green with a red poppy in the centre, this poppy is the only life I can see for miles; but then out of no where, like she fell from the sky, a little girl in a white dress and a teddy bear will pick the poppy. She will look at me, never taking her eyes of me; all you can do is look deeper into them and see her past. A past of sadness and loss and like she knows wat I'm thinking she will cry a single tear. Then I fall into her tear.

The green hill is gone, I'm in a world of blue: water. My body has gone numb but my mind still works, still thinking so I know what's happening. There's an angel sleeping within me that's slowly waking up and when she wakes, then my mind sleeps and my body sinks.

The angel places orange roses by me in the aqua blue. Then she floats to the surface where her white wings unfold and she leaves me there, to sleep. While the new life of her takes to flight.

Then I wake, with orange roses by my grave.