I’ve had a few people comment on my profile photo, about the fact I’m wearing lipstick and look quite grown-up. Well, obviously I don’t look like that normally. The reason I chose the photo was that a. I like it but b. doing this blog, I don’t particularly want to be instantly recognizable. If you want a true representation of me writing this, I’d be wearing tracksuit bottoms, thick socks and a scarf. Not very iconic.
Since I was about 10, my friends and I have been doing fashion shoots. These are some of the photos we’ve taken from the more whacky creative shoots we’ve done. I love doing them; they’re my kind of art. Not painting and drawing but coming up with an idea, setting out and creating it. The best part is like finishing a painting: seeing all the photos you’ve taken, pictures that just started out as a little idea in your head. So really I just do what an adult does. I’m not trying to be one it just happens that I have the same interests.

This was a photo shoot done in the woods. We made all the clothes by roughly sewing bits of odd material together and took over 500 photos. We were quite surprised we didn’t freeze as it was the middle of winter!
I got the idea for this one from the Dior advert where she has the balloons and is flying over Paris; this is a not so glamorous version of that photo. I did it by jumping really high (I was surprised by just how high I could jump). I’m joking, it was done on the trampoline. My friend and I took so many photos!
This was the most recent one I’ve done, my profile picture coming from this shoot. The theme of the shoot was dolls, we named it Broken as it was like dolls coming alive, some frozen in a lake, others breaking, some just looking slightly sinister.
This was a shoot done in the bath, wearing a dress surrounded by freshly bought apples. I had the idea of a perfume ad, not sure how it led on to this…
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